What can you do to save the world?

“Everybody can save the world but no one wants to try”, says a song I have loved since I listened to it for the first time, ten years ago (yeah, My Chemical Romance, sue me). That sentence has been in my brain since then and I believe that it’s pretty accurate and underrated.
“The world” is not something one person can change, you may say. And yeah, maybe from a certain point of view that’s true. Because one person cannot get over with hunger or poverty, or oppression, or abuse. One person alone cannot save a country from the hands of a dictator. One person cannot save every child in the world from being abused.
Except that it is possible.
What you do matter
The impact we have on other people’s lives matter. A lot. I was saved many times by a teacher, a friend, my mom, a smile from a peer, some kind words from the lady who served the lunch at my school, my siblings’ jokes… I have been saved many times by a text, an unexpected compliment, a sincere hug, a kiss in the forehead, a long conversation.
Those people saved the world every time they saved me. Because thanks to the love I received, I am not a bad person today. Because I was educated by good and loving teachers, and because I was raised by a caring mom, and because they made me feel loved even when I wasn’t able to love myself. That’s how those people saved the world.
They taught me that just because I am a victim doesn’t mean that I have to become a victimizer. They taught me that I can break the cycle. So that’s what I did.
I am not one more number on the wrong list thanks to them. I am not a serial killer, I am not a rapist, I am not a hater, I am not a thief, I am not a bad person. So yeah, they saved the world.
Do you want to try?
Now you know how it works.
You save the world when you save someone because we are the world. There’s someone around you who needs you, maybe not your money but your shoulder to cry on. Maybe doesn’t need any words, just your ears to listen. There’s always something you can do to help others, to save others.
If you are a teacher, take a closer look at your students. Learn their names, their backgrounds. Save them. Save them by showing them how much you care, how important they are. Because for some of them, you could be the only one who says nice things to them. You could be the only adult they feel they can trust. Save them.
Do you feel like trying? Everybody can save the world, and I want to try. Let’s do this together, so we can save it faster.
Be kind, always.